167 research outputs found


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    The modern environmental problems caused by the activity of aviation industry are figured out in the article. The main tendencies for transition to alternative jet fuels all over the world are described. Attention is paid to the policies of developed countries intended to the implementation of biofuels in aviation, and introduction of new standards for alternative jet fuels quality. Contemporary state of jet fuels production and use in Ukraine is discussed. Ukrainian experience in development of national policy for introduction of alternative jet fuels into civil aviation is described. The current problems, which are the barriers nowadays for jet biofuels implementation in Ukraine are presented in details. At the same time benefits that will be achieved in a result of biofuels application are emphasized.В статье рассмотрено современные экологические проблемы, которые связаны с деятельностью авиационной отрасли. Представлено основные мировые тенденции относительно перехода на альтернативные авиционные топлива. Уделено внимание политике развитых стран мира, которая направлена на внедрение биотоплив в авиацию, а также введению новых стандартов относительно качества авиационных топлив. В статье рассмотрено современное состояние производства и потребления топлив для воздушно-реактивных двигателей в Украине. Представлено опыт Украины в разработке национальной политики по внедрению альтернативных авиационных топлив в гражданскую авиацию. В статье детально раскрыто современные проблемы, которые на сегодняшний день являются преградой для внедрения альтернативных авиационных топлив в Украине. В тоже время акцентиовано внимание на преимуществах, которые будут достигнуты в результате применения биотоплив.У статті розглянуто сучасні екологічні проблеми, пов’язані з діяльністю авіаційної галузі. Описано основні світові тенденції щодо переходу на альтернативні авіаційні палива. Приділено увагу політиці розвинених країн світу, що спрямована на впровадження біопалив у авіацію, а також введенню нових стандартів щодо якості авіаційних палив. У статті висвітлено сучасний стан виробництва та споживання палив для повітряно-реактивних двигунів в Україні. Представлено досвід України у розробленні національної політики щодо впровадження альтернативних авіаційних палив у цивільну авіацію. У статті детально розкрито сучасні проблеми, що на даний час є перепоною до впровадження альтернативних авіаційних палив в Україні. В той же час наголошено на перевагах, що будуть досягнуті у майбутньому у результаті застосування біопалив

    Research of innovative susceptibility of HR management systems in the context of analysis of world and Ukrainian information sources

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    This material is devoted to the analysis of information sources in the field of management of human resource management systems (HRMS) in order to identify trends in their development. Best practices of European and world companies, which can be applied at Ukrainian enterprises, are considered. A comparative analysis of the main indicators of the complexity of reflecting the problems of HR management on the world and Ukrainian databases of electronic resources is made. A number of factors that hamper the growth of research in the field of HRMS are identified; recommendations on activities that will lead to an improvement of the innovative susceptibility (IS) of the HRMS of Ukrainian enterprises are made

    Analysis of publishing activity on human resource management systems of enterprises in the bases of electronic resources in terms of influence over its innovative receptivity

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    This article is dedicated to research of the electronic resources of the world and Ukrainian university libraries in the area of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) for purposes of identifying trends, regularities and forming complex measures regarding their efficiency improvement. In the course of research the analysis of indicators of publishing activity performance was made. Increment rate indicators were calculated. Growth trends of HRMS publications in the world and Ukrainian scientific libraries were determined

    Analysis of publishing activity on human resource management systems of enterprises in the bases of electronic resources in terms of influence over its innovative receptivity

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    This article is dedicated to research of the electronic resources of the world and Ukrainian university libraries in the area of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS) for purposes of identifying trends, regularities and forming complex measures regarding their efficiency improvement. In the course of research the analysis of indicators of publishing activity performance was made. Increment rate indicators were calculated. Growth trends of HRMS publications in the world and Ukrainian scientific libraries were determined


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    This work was supported by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (grant MK1567.2018.3)

    The law-enforcement system in the civil rights and freedoms protection system: the international comparative aspect

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    The article focuses on the problem of place determination of law-enforcement agencies in the civil rights and freedoms protection system. The emphasis is given to the analysis of international legal instruments in this sphere, in particular: the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms; the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights; the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. The article has proved that law enforcement agencies are mainly aimed at ensuring and protection of human and citizen civil rights and freedoms in all spheres of social relations

    Statistical properties of Lorenz like flows, recent developments and perspectives

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    We comment on mathematical results about the statistical behavior of Lorenz equations an its attractor, and more generally to the class of singular hyperbolic systems. The mathematical theory of such kind of systems turned out to be surprisingly difficult. It is remarkable that a rigorous proof of the existence of the Lorenz attractor was presented only around the year 2000 with a computer assisted proof together with an extension of the hyperbolic theory developed to encompass attractors robustly containing equilibria. We present some of the main results on the statisitcal behavior of such systems. We show that for attractors of three-dimensional flows, robust chaotic behavior is equivalent to the existence of certain hyperbolic structures, known as singular-hyperbolicity. These structures, in turn, are associated to the existence of physical measures: \emph{in low dimensions, robust chaotic behavior for flows ensures the existence of a physical measure}. We then give more details on recent results on the dynamics of singular-hyperbolic (Lorenz-like) attractors.Comment: 40 pages; 10 figures; Keywords: sensitive dependence on initial conditions, physical measure, singular-hyperbolicity, expansiveness, robust attractor, robust chaotic flow, positive Lyapunov exponent, large deviations, hitting and recurrence times. Minor typos corrected and precise acknowledgments of financial support added. To appear in Int J of Bif and Chaos in App Sciences and Engineerin

    Освіта критичного мислення як профілактика ризику розвитку ШІ та основа сталого розвитку на основі ШІ та відкритої науки

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    The report presents the education of critical thinking as a prevention of AI risk and the basis of sustainable development based on AI and open science.У доповіді представлена освіта критичного мислення як профілактика ризику розвитку ШІ та основа сталого розвитку на основі ШІ та відкритої науки